IMF not welcome in Ireland.
The confirmation that the Free State government is seeking aid from the International Monetary fund and the EU is a grim development in what has been a catastrophic two years for the Irish people. Incompetence, greed and corruption have destroyed the Free State’s ability to manage its own affairs and so with begging cup in hand they have crawled to the IMF.
The 32csm wishes to make clear that the IMF is not welcome in Ireland. Their track record has been one of attacking the working class to preserve the ruling class wherever they have intervened. Make no mistake there are plans being put in place to attack fundamental rights of workers in the 26 Counties. The minimum wage, social welfare and education for working class people are all going to be altered so as to facilitate the process of "recovery". We are calling now on the Trade Union Movement to fight back and to fight back ferociously. The leadership of these bodies have failed to protect workers and have signed deals to preserve social partnership; deals that are now being torn up with abandon.
Now is not the time for meaningless words about people sharing the burden. The burden must be bore by those responsible for it, the bankers, the political establishment and their apologists. Now is the time for a widespread campaign of resistance and fundamental to this must be a National Strike which brings the state to a halt and shows the government and their neo-liberal allies that the power is with the workers!
It*is also imperative to point out that an election called now will be*nothing more than a rubber stamp of approval for the IMF and their policies for none of the*Parties have the moral courage to take a stand for the Irish people above their own interests. The press conferences called by Fianna Fail are to reassure the international banking system not the Irish people. It is the duty of republicans everywhere to support the people of Ireland north and south in resisting these savage cuts, it is the time for unity and the time to resist!
Beir Bua