As Easter approaches, Irish Republicans across the Nation will commemorate the memories of the men and women who paid the ultimate sacrifice in the struggle for Irish independence.
On April 11, 4 Anti-Treatyites/Irregulars - Francis Cunnane (from Headford, Co. Galway); Michael Monaghan (from Clonmehan, Headford, Co. Galway); Martin Moylan or Nolan (from Farmistown, Annadown, Co. Galway); and John Maguire (the younger brother of Tom from Cross, Co. Mayo) were executed in Tuam. Two further executions took place in Tuam on the same day- the men executed were James (or John) Newell (from Galway) and James O’Malley (from Oughterard, Co. Galway).
They were put to death in an attempt to quell dissension in their pursuit of a united 32 county Republic with the coup de grâce being administered by fellow Irishmen using guns supplied by the British government.
These men died for the ideal of a United Ireland and the term “Irregulars” was a derogatory term introduced with much the same purpose as the use of the term “dissidents” today.
How can Sinn Fein in all seriousness, plan to stand at the site of the Tuam Martyrs execution, look people in the eye and laud their sacrifice, while their leader in the British Stormont assembly Martin Mc Guinness calls Irish Republicans “traitors” and asks people to go the regurgitated RUC, a sectarian “Police” force and give information about Republicans which could result in their deaths.
His very call is treachery and reminiscent of the Free state forces who turned against their brothers in arms having accepted a watered down settlement and sided with the British. This was the type of treachery which resulted in the cold blooded executions of 77 Irish patriots in 1923
The Tuam Martyrs died for a United Ireland, not a gravy train in Stormont.
For Sinn Fein to walk to the execution site of the brave Oglaigh ( as part of their election purge,don't be fooled,they didn't have one last year ) is truly a walk of shame!
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