Irish Republican Prisoners Welfare Association
IRPWA condemn brutal harassment of Colin Duffy
The Irish Republican Prisoners Welfare Association condemn the Brutal harassment currently being handed out to Lurgan Republican Colin Duffy by the Northern Ireland Prison Service and members of the Prison Officers Association. Colin has been badly assaulted and forcibly strip searched on a number of occasions the last being this morning despite the fact that the prisoners, facilitators and prison service signed an agreement on August 12 that all strip searching would end. There is every indication that these attacks will continue every time Colin is brought to and from the prison and the IRPWA urge all republicans to stand behind the POW’s and resist the efforts of the NIPS to renege on agreements reached and their efforts to break their morale. The welfare of republican prisoners is of paramount concern to the IRPWA and we will not stand back and allow POW’s to be mistreated by a vindictive and draconian prison regime.
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