Andy Martin has responded on behalf of the Ard Comhairle of the 32 County Sovereignty Movement to the recent upsurge in RUC/PSNI activity against republicans and their families across the occupied area. Mr Martin stated " It is blatantly obvious that someone at the top of the British security establishment has passed down the diktat for the RUC/PSNI to take the gloves off and to intensify their vigorous campaign of intimidation and harassment against republicans and their families. Obviously through their shared anti republican position this diktat has also been delivered to the free state police, special branch, ERU and NSU. Raids and arrests are happening all over the 32 counties, homes are being wrecked, children traumatised. Republicans are being stopped and searched on sight by the RUC/PSNI in the north and in many cases being followed around towns and cities in a blatant fashion. It is quite normal for republicans to see heavily armed police in armoured cars cruising slowly past their homes numerous times per day or setting up checkpoints near the homes of republicans. Republicans must view this as a sign of a defeat in the ranks of the RUC/PSNI, the RUC was supposed to have disappeared and the PSNI was to be the new 'peacetime' police service but due to the growing support for the republican position in defence of Irish national sovereignty the PSNI have been forced to publicly admit that this transition cannot take place. The police service is exposed as a military police force and the the PSNI mask has slipped to very publicly reveal the RUC. These attempts at crushing the republican position through intimidation will not deter republicans, if anything they only serve to strengthen the resolve of the republican family"
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