32csm Condemn Tom Elliot’s Remarks
The Ard Comhairle of the 32csm wish to condemn recent remarks made by Tom Elliot, the leader of the UUP. Mr Elliot in the past week has called on Owen Patterson to revoke the licence of ex POW and 32csm member John Connolly. This comment came in the wake of John attending an anti-royal visit protest in Dublin. At the protest two masked members of the crowd burned a Union Jack. John was not involved in this incident, nor did the Gardaí arrest the individuals who burned the flag. Despite these facts Mr Elliot regards John’s presence at a republican protest as sufficient reason to have his licence revoked.
This is not merely a repetition of Tom Elliot’s familiar anti republican rhetoric. Rather we see this as a further step in a sinister pattern that has resulted in a number of ex POWs either being imprisoned on trumped up charges or having their licence revoked due to their political stance. In the past two weeks another of our Ard Comhairle members, Marian Price, had her licence revoked for attending an Easter commemoration in Derry. In the same week two members of Republican Sinn Fein were charged under obscure legislation of "supporting terrorism" for stating in an interview that they supported the right of republicans to engage in armed struggle.
Mr Elliot referred to Marian as a terrorist and justified her internment on those grounds. Given his own lengthy involvement in the UDR who colluded with Loyalist paramilitaries surely he himself qualifies for similar treatment?
This latest statement is not merely a publicity stunt; rather it is an open call for internment and political censorship. John Connolly was released in 2007. He is a well respected community activist and an unashamed republican. Tom Elliot is in effect calling for all ex POWs opposed to the GFA to be interned for their beliefs. Given the case of Martin Corey we do not think that this is mere hyperbole but rather a very distinct strategy being utilized by the British administration in an attempt to silence republicans. The 32csm stands fully behind John and his young family as well as all of the republican ex POWs that Tom Elliot is trying to intimidate and censor. We send solidarity greetings to Marian, Martin and the other republicans imprisoned in Maghaberry for refusing to abandon their beliefs. We urge all republicans to support these individuals in any way they can.
Ard Comhairle
32 County Sovereignty Movement
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