Republican prisoners in Maghaberry resume protest action.
Over one year has passed since republican prisoners commenced a
protest to end strip searching and controlled movement in
Maghaberry. The protest ended on the 12th August 2010 after a
facilitated agreement was reached between prisoners and gaol
admin/NIO which was supposed to have ended strip searching and
“phased out” controlled movement within the landings of republican
prisoners. As with previous agreements between republican
prisoners and the British, the British immediately began to claw
back on their position and in the case of this agreement even
introduced new and more degrading measures. As a group of non-
conforming republican prisoners, we fought against these measures
and have worked tirelessly to have the 12th August agreement
implemented. To achieve change we have to resist. To challenge
such a regime comes at a cost.
Since the signing of the August agreement over 60 forced strip
searches has taken place and the phased ending of controlled
movement hasn’t materialised. By this stage, May 2011, we should
have unfettered access to our two landings with cell doors
remaining open all day. Instead, ten screws have to be in place
before movement begins, with a maximum of six out on landings at
any one time. A “forum” involving prisoner representatives and
gaol admin was put in place as part of the agreement to sort areas
of contention, meeting on a monthly basis, but as non-conforming
prisoners, we refuse to take part in this “talking shop” whilst forced
strip searching and controlled movement remain in place. Other
areas that need to be addressed are too numerous to go into detail
but one example is that when a republican is arrested, he can
expect to spend up to 28 days in an interrogation centre, then if
charged, he’s brought to Maghaberry where he can expect to be
held on landings with loyalists and drug dealers for weeks (in some
cases months) before being transferred to the republican landings.
This is only one of many disgraceful issues that have been allowed
to continue unchallenged for too long. We will not stand idly by as
comrades suffer.
In recent months, we have released two separate documents
relating to the agreement of August 2010 and conditions within
Maghaberry. In both documents we called publicly for unity
between all prisoners, stating that we believed unity was our
strength and would benefit us all if we moved forward collectively.
We asked the other groups of prisoners and anyone outside with
influence and aligned to them to help to achieve this unity.
Unfortunately several months have passed and we have received
no response from either. We are conscious of the fact that a
significant number of POWs who agreed with our analysis and
actions required to obtain our objectives were fully supportive of us
but withheld that support. We now believe that most of those now
have the confidence to vocally show that support and indeed join
us in our struggle. We openly and genuinely welcome those
comrades and any others who share our view regarding gaol
Our objective is to establish a republican wing with republican
principles at its core. As republicans we will do whatever it takes to
achieve this. This will necessitate the ending of strip searching and
controlled movement per the agreement of August 2010. We
cannot and will not allow or facilitate any attempt to criminalise
republican prisoners any longer. We ask families, comrades and
republicans at home and abroad for renewed support as we enter
protest action to secure our rights as republicans. Strip searching
remains! Controlled movement remains! Our determination to end
them also remains!
Protest action has commenced at 10pm, Friday 6th May 2011.
Colin Duffy Damien McLaughlin Kevin Barry Nolan
Harry Fitzsimons Gerard McManus Brendy Conway
Seán McConville Brian Cavlan Gavin Coyle
Dominic Dynes Brendan McConville Mark McGuigan
John Paul Wootton Brian Sheridan Joe Barr
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