The political imprisoning of republican Marian Price by British direct ruler Owen Patterson represents an act of utter repression against the Irish people. That an unaccountable British politician can arbitrarily remove an Irish citizen’s freedom in their own country demonstrates clearly, despite recent fawning to the contrary, that we have not entered into a new era of relationships between the two islands. What we are witnessing is an assertion of British sovereignty in Ireland.
It is no coincidence that this repression precedes the royal visit to the Twenty Six County State. Whilst we witness the grovelling of the West Brit brigade, falling over themselves to welcome the sectarian monarch, republicans see clearly the message she brings with her; the Irish are finally in their place.
But more telling is the absolute humiliation that this act bestows on the Stormont regime. On the very day that the micro ministries were being dished out, most noticeably a ‘justice’ ministry, the real seat of power was exercising itself. The farce was exposed for the puppet regime it is. We now challenge those who advocate that this farce represents a route to a sovereign Ireland to state clearly where they stand on this repressive act? We challenge them to state clearly what powers this farce enables them to undo this massive injustice?
This is the Good Friday Agreement in action. These are the fruits of the so called ‘peace process’ and the flawed thinking of outmanoeuvred former republican leaders. We call on all republicans to work together to fight this injustice. We call for unity and solidarity with republican POW’s as they struggle against repression from within their imprisonment. And we say to the Irish people this is what the royal visitor represents and this is why we strenuously oppose it
Saturday 4th june @1pm
Shop Street
Galway City
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